was the founder of psychosynthesis
and one of the pioneers of transpersonal psychology.
Assagioli collaborated with both Sigmund Freud
and Carl Jung and worked closely with Abraham Maslow.

Psychosynthesis is an approach to human development discovered and cultivated by
Roberto Assagioli (1888-1974) beginning around 1910 and continuing to the present day. It is both a theory and practice the heart of which is to achieve a synthesis, a coming together, of the various parts of an individual's personality into a more unified self. That person can then function in a way that is more life-affirming and authentic. Another major aspect of psychosynthesis is its affirmation of the spiritual aspect of the person, i.e. the "higher" or "transpersonal" self. The higher self is seen as a source of wisdom, inspiration, unconditional love, and the will to meaning in our lives. Psychosynthesis is founded on the basic premise that human life has reason and meaning and that we participate in an orderly universe structured to facilitate the evolution of awareness. An outcome is that each person's life has purpose and meaning within this broader context and that it is possible for the individual to find this out . The object of psychosynthesis is integration and wholeness, and since it is so adaptable, it can be and is being applied to many areas of activity where this goal is sought. Some examples are counselling and therapy, education, medicine and health care, business and management, diplomacy and international relations, religion, and organizational development. For this reason professionals find psychosynthesis, with its understandings, tools, and techniques, valuable in empowering them in their own vocation.
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