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torstai 5. elokuuta 2010

The Wonderful Works of David Wilcock

An introduction to the wonderful works of
David Wilcock
(courtesy of mr Wilcock and Divine Cosmos)
Excerpt from the ebook Disclosure Endgame
To everything, there is a season — and a time for every purpose under heaven.

A remarkable structure appeared in the skies over northern Norway on December 9, 2009 – a stunning aerial formation, as you see in this unaltered photograph, that was massive in size and hung there rotating in space for ten to fifteen minutes straight.
We now have irrefutable scientific proof that the mainstream media’s explanation for the Norway Spiral cannot be correct — as you will soon see. And that raises many more questions.
If the visual sight of this Spiral wasn’t interesting enough, the context certainly was — it showed up the day before Obama was set to receive his Nobel Peace Prize in the very same country.
Also, on that very same day, December 9, 2009, hundreds of eyewitnesses reported — and two of them filmed — a gigantic, triangular pyramid-shaped UFO that hovered over the Kremlin in Russia for hours — from daylight on into darkness.
Coincidence? Once you review all the evidence, you will see how compelling this case really is — and how these ‘islands’ really do connect below the surface.
The Norway Spiral is only the most recent indication that an incredible, seemingly-impossible moment in human civilization and consciousness may actually be about to happen — the open, formal announcement that we are not alone in the Universe.
We will also convincingly argue that perhaps the number-one reason why the truth is about to come out is that the primary group responsible for the UFO cover-up can no longer afford to keep it a secret.
It costs a lot of money to harass, intimidate and discredit the opposition on such a huge issue as this, for such a prolonged period of time — and the group responsible for the secrecy is now functionally bankrupt, and is being systematically taken down by opposing insider factions who want Disclosure.
Last year’s shockingly sudden economic collapse — and the unmitigated political disaster of the short-term bailouts that were handed out to the usual suspects — is a strong piece of supporting evidence to suggest that the money simply isn’t there anymore to finance the enormous political / military / corporate machine required to keep this enormous secret under wraps.
All empires in recorded history have crumbled from over-extending themselves financially. History repeats itself. This time, the results will be much better than most of us could ever have expected.
Read the entire ebook

Excerpt from the book Shift of the Ages

It should be no surprise that mystical tradition long holds that Jesus also completed a Pyramidal initiation in such a manner, and might well have been the only person coming in well equipped enough to actually complete the process in full. According to the Edgar Cayce readings, Jesus enjoyed a former lifetime as Hermes, the co-designer of the Pyramid with the priest Ra-Ta, who later reincarnated as Cayce himself.
Thus, it appears that Jesus later utilized the very piece of technology that he originally helped to build, in order to complete his own initiation.As we will see in the end of the book, the Pyramid actually wrote Jesus’ arrival directly into a timeline based on a geometric and numeric code built into the design of the chambers and passages inside. The prophetic statement of this Messianic arrival occurs at the moment where the narrow Ascending Passage suddenly heightens tremendously into the Grand Gallery.
This particular event in the Pyramid symbolism is arguably one of the single most powerful symbolic events of the entire span of time given. Obviously Jesus knew, even as he helped design this incredible structure, what he would later use it for in future lifetimes. If the pyramid shape is a basic product of understanding a more advanced physics than we are now using, then we would expect that the technology would be discovered by any civilized society on any inhabited planet.
In 1981, Ra said that Mars is the only remaining planet in our Solar System that had third-dimensional humanoid life like ourselves in any recent past. And in the late 1980’s, Richard Hoagland’s work began to be more widely known, which did indeed reveal the remnants of just such a civilization.
From Hoagland and others’ data regarding Mars, we see that the largest and easiest pyramid to identify in the Viking-photographed Cydonia region of Mars is five-sided, almost precisely duplicating the top of an icosahedron, or the Hindu god Purusha, if we remember. Near this five-sided pyramid is a city complex of slightly smaller pyramids that appear identical to those we see in Egypt.

Read the book online

Video: The Science of Peace - Interview with Law of Attraction
Excerpt from the book The Science of Peace

No one knows how some animals sense earthquakes coming. Perhaps they pick up subtle sounds or vibrations in the earth; maybe they respond to subterranean gases released prior to earthquakes, or react to changes in the Earth’s electrical field. They may also sense in advance what is about to happen in a way that lies beyond current scientific understanding, through some kind of presentiment.
Animals can also anticipate man-made catastrophes such as air raids. In my book Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, I describe how during the Second World War, many families in Britain and Germany relied on their pets’ behaviour to warn them of impending air raids, before official warnings were given. These warnings occurred when enemy planes were still hundreds of miles away, long before the animals could have heard them coming. Some dogs in London even anticipated the explosion of German V-2 rockets. These missiles were supersonic and hence could not have been heard in advance.
Unusual animal behaviour also occurs before avalanches. On February 23, 1999, an avalanche devastated the Austrian village of Galtur in the Tyrol, killing dozens of people. The previous day, the chamois (small goat-like antelopes) came down from the mountains into the valleys, something they never usually do. Through surveys in alpine villages in Austria and Switzerland, I found that the animals most likely to anticipate avalanches are chamois and ibexes, and also dogs. Although it is still unexplained, this ability would obviously be of survival value in mountain animals, and would be favoured by natural selection.
With very few exceptions, the ability of animals to anticipate disasters has been ignored by Western scientists, who dismiss stories of animal anticipations as anecdotal or superstitious. By contrast, since the 1970s, in earthquake-prone areas of China, the authorities have encouraged people to report unusual animal behaviour, and Chinese scientists have an impressive track record in predicting earthquakes. In several cases they issued warnings that enabled cities to be evacuated hours before devastating earthquakes struck, saving tens of thousands of lives.
Read the entire article


Excerpt from the book The Divine Cosmos

Off the coast of the Japanese island of Yonaguni, a pyramid-like, obviously artificial megalithic structure has been found submerged under the sea in an area that could not have been above water for at least 12,000 years. And in 2001, Paulina Zelinsky and Paul Weinzweig of Advanced Digital Communications announced that they had discovered vast submerged city of pyramids, buildings, roads and other structures off the western tip of Cuba, about a half-mile under the sea, as seen from side-scan sonar readings. This story actually broke into the Western mainstream media, which shows how surprisingly close they are to admitting that such a civilization did indeed exist.

Though there has been ongoing interest in the search for ancient undersea ruins, Zelinsky’s team was the first to elicit cooperation with the Communist regime of Cuba so that such advanced measurements could be taken in their national waters. The research of Linda Moulton Howe and others has revealed that National Geographic has already signed a contract to have exclusive rights to release this new material to humanity, and that a comprehensive multimedia disclosure is being planned. More recent updates in November 2001 revealed that interconnecting circles of rock similar to Stonehenge have now been photographed at the site by a robotic undersea probe, along with a series of stone inscriptions including crosses, sketches of Mesoamerican-style pyramids, and an unusual written language.
The team hopes to photograph and survey the area much more thoroughly as time proceeds.The original source of information for the Western world regarding this lost ancient civilization came from the works of Greek philosopher Plato, who first referred to it in the Timaeus as the island continent “Atlantis.” It is widely held that the technological sophistication of Atlantis actually superceded our own, including anti-gravity capability that was used both for devices capable of interstellar travel as well as the levitation of tremendous blocks to build the pyramids and sacred structures seen worldwide.
Also available to the Atlanteans was a form of technology where extremely high amounts of energy to power all sorts of different devices could be drawn from the very essence of empty space itself – a non-physical energy source that the Greeks referred to as “aether,” which was their word for “shine.” The Greek word “pyramid” actually comes from the word roots “Pyre” and “Amid,” meaning “fire in the middle.” This suggests that a harnessing of energy is occurring within such structures. In addition to technology, the Atlanteans were much more aware of the spiritual, intuitive and symbolic side of life, something that modern civilization has become much more divorced from.

Many different sources indicate that Plato had received the information regarding Atlantis secretly from the existing priesthoods of Egypt, and that he created a great controversy amongst their ranks by actually publicizing it. This one small data point, published in the philosophy texts of the day, could be seen as the first clue in unraveling a very substantial mystery. According to such sources, the Egyptian priesthood was one of several splinter groups entrusted with preserving what they referred to as “the sacred fire of antiquity,” a coded term for the overall cosmology, physics and spiritual knowledge of Atlantis, which was also referred to as “The Tradition” or “The Mysteries.”
Rigorous oaths of secrecy were taken to uphold the secrets of such initiatory knowledge on pain of death. Offshoots of these societies are well known to still exist today through such organizations as Freemasonry, a group that was intimately connected to the foundation of the United States and still has widespread influence among the most elite power circles.Solid information regarding such “secret societies” and their initiated teachings has been publicly available throughout the 19th and 20th century.
In 1928, 33rd-degree Freemason scholar Manly Palmer Hall published a book that does a remarkable job of assembling the puzzle pieces into one single, vast composite, and its name is “The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Quabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings concealed within the Rituals, Allegories and Mysteries of all Ages.” This text is by far the most popular of its kind, and without such a book in existence, it would arguably be much more difficult to reconstruct an accurate picture of what exactly was known in the ancient world and how it was preserved throughout time.

The general picture of the time of Atlantis that Hall and other sources paint is of a world quite different than we know it today. Atlantis was one of two main advanced civilizations that co-existed on the Earth at that time, the other being the Rama Empire, which was centered in India. [If the Pacific Ocean-based civilization of “Lemuria” had indeed existed, it appears to have been from an even earlier period and was long-gone by the time of Atlantis and Rama.] Documents from the Rama empire still exist today for the public to study, which the Hindus call the Vedas, and in these texts there are many references to highly advanced technology, including elaborate flying machines known as “Vimana” and nuclear weaponry.
According to David Hatcher Childress in the book Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India and Atlantis,The India of 15,000 years ago is sometimes known as the Rama Empire, a land that was contemporary with Atlantis. A huge wealth of texts still extant in India testify to the extremely advanced civilization that is said by these texts to go back over 26,000 years. Terrible wars and subsequent earth changes destroyed these civilizations, leaving only isolated pockets of civilization.
It is not surprising for those aware of such research that vast undersea city ruins have now been discovered off the coast of India near Gujarat, which could not have been above water for at least 9000 years. Some twelve thousand years ago, most of the Earth’s population was nowhere near at the level of sophistication possessed by the Atlanteans or the Ramas, and like the “clashes of civilizations” of our own era, these two giants ended up going into war with each other. Atlantis had just begun a program of indoctrinating lesser-developed cultures with their knowledge when their island continent was destroyed by a combination of warfare and geological cataclysms, which completely submerged their land circa 9600 BC.
Just prior to this time, some who were aware of this impending cataclysm left the island and went into hiding amongst other lesser-advanced populations of humanity. Some of these indigenous groups were in North and South America while others were in Europe, Africa and Asia. As Hall writes in Secret Teachings,
From the Atlanteans the world has received not only the heritage of arts and crafts, philosophies and sciences, ethics and religions, but also the heritage of hate, strife, and perversion. The Atlanteans instigated the first war; and it has been said that all subsequent wars were fought in a fruitless effort to justify the first one and right the wrong which it caused. Before Atlantis sank, its spiritually illumined Initiates, who realized that their land was doomed because it had departed from the Path of Light, withdrew from the ill-fated continent. Carrying with them the sacred and secret doctrine, these Atlanteans established themselves in Egypt, where they became its first “divine” rulers. Nearly all the great cosmologic myths forming the foundation of the various sacred books of the world are based upon the Atlantean Mystery rituals.
Read the book online


Excerpt from David Wilcock Reading - 2/9/05
The Renaissance of the Human Spirit
I am Ra. We greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We communicate now through the entity David Wilcock…. *
There have always been sources of guidance telling us of the many mysteries involved in the curriculum from life to death to new life. These many cycles persist, regardless of the apparent outcomes from them. And for those who maim and exorcise and kill, the facts that have responded to their efforts are denied, and the interest goes on unabated.
This is why suddenly we have a situation where all that we have known before becomes clear once again.
The minute circles that you have drawn in the sand, in your own drill to find the Infinite One, have not been in vain. And the patterns of the planets and their satellites involved surely make a gleaming contest in the night, for those who seek to win an appreciation of its many attributes.
The vortex of cosmic consciousness settles in on each individual who aspires to approach the throne of the Divine without fear of recompense, without fear of retribution, but only allowing the One to flourish in its many different ways.
I vow that those at the table be offering of themselves in ways never heretofore imagined possible. And yet, we can’t just decide for someone else … the feeling is mutual, and must be mutual for this to concede.
So limber up the factions of the self that are involved. For this time, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. And the old ways leapfrog into becoming the new ways … without that degree of enticement and entitlement. Those keywords once seemed to dominate the search engine.
[Now,] the outpouring of emotions, from the central command structure of the mind and heart, need not be interrupted or tackled by the ego mind / personality self.
Those who have invested themselves in the struggle for world domination need not continue buying any more machines for enslavement much longer. Their plans are coming to an end; their struggles are proving to be impossible to maintain; their annoyances are further increasing, and their available resources are dwindling.
I would have expected only the best from you, David, knowing how you have approached them yourself, and learned to look the other way without judgment, condemnation, fun-poking or sarcasm … but simply respecting that they are doing a job to support a world order that is fading away, in terms of the potency of its mirroring aspects.
Is it not interesting that those apparently the most religious in your society are those the most confused by this deception? Such is not often the case when pursuing spiritual matters such as these; but then again, yours is an unique planet, an unique environment of sorts.
We have never imagined before how many cycles of decay and destruction would be necessary to reveal the schemers who lurk behind the scenes. But nonetheless, for the rest of the world outside America, at least, there is a great awakening going on. 

Suomalainen linkki: David Wilcock ihmeellisestä maailmasta
Read the entire reading

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"Seitsensakarainen tähti - jota kutsutaan myös Keiju- tai Haltijatähdeksi - edustaa Plejadien tähtiryhmää." (Hopeasulka)

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